FilmTake OTT Video Report Summary

FilmTake OTT Video Report Summary

Over-the-Top Video Present & Future

The Latest International Distribution Data & Insights

TV is taking over the Internet – not the other way around

“Consumers do not care which pipe information and entertainment comes from, provided the service delivers the content or channels they care most about it a convenient form”

Key Findings

  • The pay model for OTT services is growing in dominance compared to free or ad-supported models
  • This is a significant change of perception for Internet video, which was initially interpreted by audiences as a free alternative to traditional TV services
  • The number of companies involved in OTT delivery will continue grow
  • The proportion of those businesses “substantially invested in OTT technologies will more than double over the next three years”
  • The tablet is the device of choice for internet video
  • Bandwidth is not big enough yet and quality issues persist
    • VOD using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is now the most prevalent type of service
    • Executives expect to see more services focusing on linear content like streaming live events, especially where social networking capabilities are seen as a key piece of OTT offerings
    • Obtaining broad content rights to stream video to multiple screens is seen as a significant business growth obstacle
      • The legal and legislative tangle is especially complex in the US market where there is ambivalence to breaking traditional business models
      • Content stream protection and digital rights management is a difficult area for many organizations to navigate
      • Technology has transitioned away from the popular and proprietary Flash to new alternatives

This is a summary from Click here to download the full report.