World Summit Award: Excellence in e-Content and Creativity
FanTrust president and World Summit Award board member, Catherine Warren is featured in the WSA’s “Excellence in e-Content and Creativity” publication.
The document outlines the ways the organization aims to turn the United Nation’s World Summit on the Information Society targets on local content into global action towards 2015.
In the words Dr. Mohamed Salem, Egypt Minister of of Communications and Information Technology, the WSA is “a global activity to select and promote the world’s best e-Content and most innovative information and communications applications.”
Catherine was asked about e-products and what developers can learn from commercial sites with respect to marketing and social inclusion. The interview also looks at what business and non-profits can learn from each other when it comes to social media and digital strategy.
She also reveals what she learned as a jury member evaluating an incredible 383 applications for the WSA in Hong Kong.
Click here to read the full interview and here to download the report from the World Summit Awards.