Engage & Play Game Seminar

Engage & Play Game Seminar

A Long Engagement: Commit Early and Build Fans for Life

Fans used to be the “light at the end of a tunnel”, the byproduct after years of development, grinding production and massive marketing outreach. Today, FanBuilding can begin before everything else. And fans can stay engaged at every stage of your game from concept through casting, from financing through driving sales.

Join FanTrust Entertainment Strategies President Catherine Warren as she showcases trends and tricks for capturing your early fans and carrying them through your product lifecycle. Learn how the lines of amateur and professional are blurring when it comes to game development, production and fandom. Come along with Catherine as she takes you inside the hearts, minds and wallets of the world’s most active FanBases.

Click here for more information on the seminar. And here for an article by MCV Nordic.