The Billion Dollar Social Games Sector
Hundreds of millions of today’s gamers are enjoying light, fun, “snackable” games played within social networks. This fanbase is expected to surge to 250M in 2009 from 50M the previous year. The market for this upstart genre of entertainment is pegged at $2B. And with low production costs, unlimited free marketing and multiple revenue streams, social games promise big business for years to come.
Generating real world dollars from virtual goods, advertising and sponsorship, social games represent a powerful business model. And with the cost for building a good social game as low as $100K, the margins can be astronomical and the barriers to entry non-existent.
From mature entertainment companies to rank start-ups, from VC’s to analysts, everyone is watching this space – or ignoring it at her peril.
FanTrust’s latest business whitepaper gives you a high-level look at entertainment’s massive growth market and fandom’s new frontier, including:
- Market opportunities
- Monetization tactics
- Fan favorites
Read or download “Socialize Me — FanTrust’s Fast Facts To Help You Tap Today’s Billion Dollar Social Games Sector.”