Session Four: Setting your digital resolutions for 2009

Session Four: Setting your digital resolutions for 2009

Take charge of your digital strategy, with FanTrust’s step-by-step plan. Here’s how to set yourself up for success with a laser focus on accountability. In the latest three blog sessions, FanTrust has helped your company to articulate digital goals for 2009; identify the niche value offered to your fans; and better understand your fan base.

Welcome to the FanTrust guide to digital success – Setting Your Digital Resolutions for 2009. December is traditionally a time for reflection and goal-setting, both personal and professional. Though you know what it takes to reach your goals for, say, losing weight (less eggnog, more yoga) or having fun (more eggnog, less yoga) –what if you’re venturing into uncharted business terrain?

Over the last two weeks, we’ve walked you through short, simple exercises – complete with case studies and success stories – intended to spark transformation in your company or division with overall corporate and business goals; digital capacity; market niche and fan engagement strategies.

With more than two decades of experience in digital media, FanTrust can help you grow your digital lines of business. Our hope is to leave you inspired and invigorated for a happy, healthy digital business in 2009.

All the best!

Week 4: Put Your Ideas into Action

Like any resolution, intention without action is useless. In this December blog series, FanTrust has helped your company to articulate digital goals for 2009; identify the niche value offered to your fans; and better understand your fan base. In this final blog, we discuss the need for a digital action plan.

No doubt you’ve identified many digital aspirations for the New Year. A long term vision prioritizes these goals, and assesses the time, financing, man power and strategic partnerships needed to achieve them.

To get started, ask the following questions for each digital goal or project you’ve identified:

  • How will I define digital success? New audiences? Direct revenues? New or strengthened business partnerships? Is the project monetizable?
  • What are the financial costs associated with this digital venture? Be sure to factor in time for planning, business meetings, securing necessary funding, etc.; employee/ executive time vs. third-party outsourcing.
  • What funding/ financing options are available for this project? Canadian content producers can tap into several funding sources; entertainment companies can also underwrite projects through sponsorships, strategic partnerships or smart money. FanTrust can help you select and pursue the best options.
  • What is the ROI for this digital project? Is the cost of implementing an idea justified by the payback: market exposure, revenue generation or social impact?

Answering these questions will help you set priorities and benchmarks for success. You’ll know you’ve achieved your goals when you track your results against pre-set, concrete, measureable targets. Good luck for a prosperous 2009!

FanTrust is a full service management consultancy laser-focused on digital entertainment.  We deliver a comprehensive range of services in all areas of new media and multiplatform development, production and distribution – as well as corporate strategy and business development to position your entertainment company in our digital age. For a full list of FanTrust services, visit the Impact + Clients section of our website.