Ze Frank & Gary Carter keynote celebrates rich media space

Ze Frank & Gary Carter keynote celebrates rich media space

Fremantlemedia chief creative officer Gary Carter (right) and presenter and mastermind of online entertainment Ze Frank mixed comedy and erudite analysis in a creative keynote sponsored by Entertainment Master Class, The Format Academy for Entertainment Television.

Carter noted that the proliferation of user generated content and authorship tools that allowed audiences to play in media spaces would not trigger the death of TV, but rather encourage a richer media space and alternative forms to TV’s linear narrative.

“We make things bigger and that go on longer. We repackage it and reassemble it all in an attempt to bring back the audiences to get them to one time and one place.”

Ze amassed a worldwide following after what he calls a “viral accident” when he sent out a birthday invitation in 2001 called How To Dance Properly. “Almost overnight, millions of people were watching,” Ze said.

“I realised that through viral, I had this incredible connection to the world around me in a very strange way.”

Frank called himself “part of the emergent underclass of creators” not connected to the TV world.

He added, however: “If I look at the content that I do, it’s awful, but instead, I look at the urge and action behind that.”

Carter noted that that urgency and action was a desire audiences themselves have to perform to leave behind traces of their own creativity and humanity.

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