Directors cut it at MIPCOM party
This year saw the launch of a new initiative to get content-makers involved in filming events at MIPCOM and Toronto-based film-maker Mark Terry of Polar Cap Productions (centre, with his crew) was one of eight directors to be asked to direct a film based on this year’s Opening Night Party.
“I was stunned, but equally thrilled at the honour of being chosen to represent my country among some of the world’s greatest film-makers at such an internationally prestigious event,” Terry said. The theme of the event was creativity.
Each film-maker was provided with a full crew and complete creative freedom to produce a one-hour film which will later be edited down and uploaded to the MIPCOM website.
Terry’s film, The Living Ad, focuses on creative and innovative ways of promoting films and television programmes through human representation.
“Buyers display what kind of product they are looking for and sellers promote the products they have available through a series of body advertising, scene re-enactments, product displays on mobile devices and product-related fashion statements,” he said.
This article and more in the MIPCOM daily News: online soon!