7th Son!

7th Son!

I’m now a commuter and becoming an avid podcast listener while traveling to and from work. My journey has been particularly quick the last few weeks as I’ve become totally addicted to JC Hutchins’ 7th Son. Have even found myself having ‘driveway moments’ sitting in the car waiting to hear the end of an episode when I’m already at my destination. I’m half way through the second book ‘Deceit’ and finding it really gripping.

I was a big fan of William Gibson and Neil Stephenson in their cyberpunk days but I’ve got to say 7th Son is giving me some flashbacks to Snowcrash, Neuromancer and other early masterworks of the genre. I don’t mean by this that I think it’s derivative but I am finding it similarly compelling.

I wasn’t expecting much when I started listening to 7th Son and the first book was a bit clunky at the start. It’s a very difficult expository task to introduce seven characters and get us to know and love them but I can recommend sticking with it. By the second book the writing and the podcasts are really cooking and I for one am totally hooked.