Low hanging fruit – YouTube. Google. Facebook.
YouTube. Google. Facebook. All of these channels are seriously underexploited by many entertainment companies, given that there are a number of simple things that content creators can do right now to capitalize on each.
With YouTube it is important that producers don’t just upload content and wait for hits. YouTube provides a number of strategies and tactics to drive traffic to your content; it is baffling that most producers don’t follow these guidelines.
Google ads generate real dollars with targeted advertising; it is amazing how many high traffic sites don’t host Google ads and leave these dollars on the table. In fact, fans right now may be taking your entertainment content and monetizing it themselves with simple Google ads.
In May 2008, Facebook launched Facebook Pages, profile pages created specifically for businesses, musicians, entertainment brands, non-profits and more to promote their initiatives – at no cost. The Pages include advanced functionalities and customization, including a Flash Player application. According to Facebook, “users can add themselves to your Facebook Page as fans, write on your Wall, purchase products, learn about special promotions, upload photos, and join other users in discussion groups. You can send Updates to all your fans whenever you like.”
Not surprisingly, entertainment (music, television, film), sports and politics boast the most significant fan bases on Facebook, according to this blog post by 20bits.
As well, you may wish to promote your content virally on social networks with applications – for tips on how to make this work for you check out an FanTrust blog, Fast Money With Widgets.
And, if you are really ambitious and want your own little piece of technology and some money to finance it, you can also get substantial funding from VC’s that invest in the development of Facebook apps. An upcoming July FanTrust Blog will show you the money.