How to Make Better Design Choices for Your Nonprofit — Take this Free Webinar at Your Convenience
Take an hour to learn all from this comprehensive webinar (training seminar available via the Web) available at no charge from The Communications Network (a professional association of foundation communicators). It’ll give you great value for your 55-minute investment.
Your Challenge–What’s the right medium, message and (especially) design? Nonprofit and foundation communicators alike are constantly working to pinpoint the right medium, the right message, the right design to make the greatest communications impact. However, when it comes to evaluating design, most of us rely on little more than our own taste.
But there is a better way…as graphic artist Charlie Hess shows you in this webinar. You’ll learn:
- How a few basic page design techniques can make text more readable and interesting (hint, you’ll learn about hierarchy design-wise — the relative importance of each element on the page or screen and how to guide audiences accordingly)
- Why black-and-white photography may be preferable to color
- What different choices in typography communicate beyond what the words themselves are saying
- And much more.
P.S. Remember that this webinar was developed for foundation communicators, to help them make better graphic design choices for their foundations and be more informed advisors to grantees. But it’s very valuable to nonprofits as well, and may give you a toe up in your quest for foundation funding.
Click here to strengthen your design skills in 55 minutes. (Note–you may wish to fast-forward about 6 minutes to the point where the presentation begins.)
While you’re at it, to take 15 more minutes to power up your graphic design through these tutorials:
- 5 Steps to Great Graphic Design for Your Nonprofit
- The Three-Fold Path to a Productive Graphic Design Process: From Nonprofit Communicators and Designers
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